Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Reconciliation

The day when Lizzy and I broke up was possibly the worst day of my life. Losing her  was so painful. This was the woman who brought so much happiness to my life whom I dearly loved. For a while there, it felt gloomy all around as if the sun that brought light to my life has been taken away from me. CONTINUE READING ...

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Breakup

As they say, all good things must eventually come to an end. My breakup with Lizzy came right after our Eat, Pray, Love trip to Bali, which is why it came out as such a shock to me. That trip was amazing, as far as I saw it. I had no idea that doubts had already crept inside Lizzy's mind while we're on that trip. I thought our bond was strengthened to the point that I even proposed to her while we were in Uluwatu. CONTINUE READING ...

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Eat, Pray, Love Trip

I've never heard about writer Elizabeth Gilbert's bestseller Eat, Pray, Love until Lizzy, the love of my life, quoted the book, when she intimated her desire to see the world and spend time travelling solo. While I may not have read the book nor seen the movie, I was surprised at how much following Eat,Pray, Love has from people all over the world. I thought it was something that only women would tend to gravitate to. CONTINUE READING ...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

It's OK to Miss Someone

It is tough to miss someone you love. The sadness is overwhelming. You feel exhausted because you think about her all time. You feel frustrated for not being able to do something about it. And you feel depressed for feeling all of the above. CONTINUE READING ...

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Hardest Words to Say

I always thought that I've been in love with Lizzy, the woman I adore, since the first time I saw her. I wasn't looking for love when I first saw her, but I was immediately struck by her beauty and demeanor. However, circumstances at that time did not permit anything beyond friendship to flourish and I was left with nothing but regret for not even trying. CONTINUE READING ...

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

That Sexy Thing

We all crave to be with someone we adore because intimacy is the foundation of any successful relationship. It's human nature. Hence, being in a long-distance relationship messes up the natural order of things when it comes to intimate relations, especially if the distance is substantial and you get to see each other only a few times a year. CONTINUE READING ...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Awkward Meeting

Meeting your treasured one after a long time of not having seen each other is got to be the best and most exciting part of trying to be in a long-distance relationship. You have to admit that the magical moment of finally being able to lay your eyes on her after a long time of communicating through video chat feels as if a huge load of emotional stress has been lifted from your shoulders. CONTINUE READING ...